
All organizations require leadership to ensure continuity of functions and values. It is no different for church organizations.

Our leadership requires spiritual guidance  for the congregation, as well as, everything to keep the building maintained, cooled/heated, lights working, plumbing working, driveway shoveled, everything clean and comfortable.   


Duties and Responsibilities of Elders in the Church of Christ:

In Acts 20:28-31, the duties of an elder is shown in this passage as –
(1) Take heed to yourselves and over all the flock.
(2) To feed the church of God, Christ is God as shown in John 1:1.
(3) Keeping out the grievous wolves from destroying the flock, which is the church.

In the epistle of 1 Peter 5:1-3 verse 2 tells us that an elder Must feed the flock of God which is among you. “Among you”, tells us that an elder is only over the church in which he serves. 1 Peter 5:3 tells us that we are to be examples to the flock, which is the church.
In short the duties of an elder is to “feed the church by teaching His Word,” and to “keep out all false doctrine.” False doctrine is also spoken of in 2 John 1:9. Study this passage and note the warning of it.

The qualifications of an elder, or bishop is written in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Also in Titus 1:5-14. We note in the passage in verse 9 “that he be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.”

So in summary “an elder must meet the qualification that is written, and to so teach the church the teachings of Christ, in so doing to keep out all false doctrine.

Current Elders: 

Tom Collins

Bryan Curtis

Mike Middleton

Bill Wilson

Deacons and General Duties

Qualifications of Deacons is in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and in like fashion to the elders qualifications.

Role of the Deacons – 

Johnny Austin – Primarily responsible for the Audio/Visual in the building.

Robb Hulsey – Primarily responsible for the general benevolence area.

Matt Widner – Primarily responsible for general facility maintenance and upkeep.