Christian Language

Christian Language

Satan continually seeks cracks in the shield of our Christianity. One of his tools is the corruption of our Christian language. He shows that the source of the tongue is the heart. Matthew 12:34-37. He also understands the importance of words in communicating the message of Christ. And not only that, He knows that the words a Christian speaks will either reflect Christ living in them, or it will demonstrate a lack of Christ living in them.

Christian Language – Basic Principles

To this end, it is needful that every Christian understand some basic principles that will help him or her communicate more accurately God’s message to those who need to hear. For example, one often hears the term “my church” used by christians. Jesus said, “I will build My church.” Matthew 16:18. The church was purchased with the blood of Jesus. Acts 20:28. The church is the body of Christ and His bride. 1 Corinthians 12:27 and Ephesians 5:23-33. Therefore christians are the church, the bride and the body of Christ. We belong to God.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Only Christ and God can truly say, “MY CHURCH.” Christians say, “His church,” or “the Lord’s church,” or the church of Christ.” Romans 16:16. 

Sometimes we hear things like this; “Let’s go to church.”It is more accurate to say, “Let’s go to Bible class” or, “Let’s go to worship” Genesis 22:5. The church assembles at the building to worship.

Christian Language – Church of Christ Doctrine

The church of Christ does not have her own doctrine. Jesus condemned those who teach the doctrines of men as the commandments of God. Matthew 15:9. In John 17:6 Jesus said, “My doctrine is not mine but His who sent Me.” The doctrine of God is most appropriate.

There are many who love to called by titles, such as “Reverend” or “Father. Jesus condemned using such titles. Matthew 23:8,9.  Also, members of the Lord’s church are not “Church of Christers.” We are Christians ONLY. Acts 11:26. 

Therefore, let us speak as the Bible has spoken, and as God’s children, speak words that give glory and honor to Him and to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Written in part by Steve Vice and Bill Arnold

See also: Identifying the Biblical Church

Love in Christ,
Bill Arnold, Minister

Ridgeway Church of Christ
Harrison, Arkansas

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