Resurrection – Crown Him with Many Crowns

I am the Resurrection (Jesus said)

Resurrection – Though he had been dead for four days, Lazarus came forth from the tomb at the command of Jesus Christ. His sisters wondered at the delay. Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” ( John 11:21-22 ). But Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”

She thought it would be on the last day, but Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” ( John 11:25-26 ).

That is the real question: do you believe what Jesus says? Dear reader, you must think about this in your own life. Do you believe His promises of forgiveness, of eternal life, or of hearing your prayers? What do you believe?

Christ’s Enemies Knew His Real Power

Apparently the enemies of Jesus believed. “What are we to do? For this man performs many signs (miracles that demonstrate God is with Him). If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him.” The enemies of Jesus knew His real power; they plotted against Him because He threatened their way of life. “The Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.” Caiaphas supposed it was expedient one man should die for the people rather than the whole nation perish ( John 11:50-51 ).

Crown Him with Many Crowns

Though they knew His power from God, they killed Him anyway. Jesus Christ is all He claimed to be; He is Lord. Let us serve Him and CROWN HIM WITH MANY CROWNS, for He is the Lord and Savior of the world. Do you believe this?


See Also: Christians | Gospel | Baptized | Resurrection Our Hope

Bible Classes

In Christian Love,
Bill Arnold, Minister
Ridgeway Church of Christ
Harrison Arkansas

To be Saved and become a Christian – YOU MUST DO THESE THINGS

Becoming a Christian, Saved, Born Again, In Christ, or becoming a new creature all talk about salvation.

1) You must believe and confess that Jesus is the son of God. John 8:24 Jesus said you must believe that He is the Christ the Son of the living God. Matthew 10:32-33, Acts 8:36-37 further tells us to confess that Jesus is God’s son.

2) Luke 13:3 Jesus said you must repent of your sins.

3) Mark 16:16 Jesus said you must be baptized.

4) Live faithfully unto death. 1 John 1:2

As a new creature, a Christian, we will live faithfully unto death and then arise to live forever with God. This is the God who loves you, who wants you to be his child. You can become the child of a King!

Won’t you heed His word?

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