Believe Only Baptism?
Just Believe?
Question: Since Paul answered the question, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” By saying, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved, and thy house” Acts 16:30-31, why do you teach that one must also be baptized?
This Answer is Given By: Wendell Winkler
The fact that faith is the only thing mentioned in Acts 16:31 does not mean that it was the only thing required. Also, repentance is the only condition of salvation mentioned in Luke 13:3. Is it the only thing required? Surely not, as we can see by reading Acts 2:38. Baptism is the only condition of salvation mentioned in 1 Peter 3:21. Is it the only thing required? Surely not, as we can see by reading Mark 16:16.
In like manner, though to believe is the only condition of salvation mentioned in Acts 16:31. It is not the only thing required. To illustrate, one might reply to the question, “How did you catch so many fish?” By saying, I caught them with a pole.” The pole is the only thing mentioned. Was it the only thing used? Surely not. There was the line, cork, sinker, hook, bait and boat.
There were things necessary to bring about the salvation of the jailer other than just belief. In fact, it is very interesting and noteworthy to observe when it is said that he did believe in God. It was after his baptism in Acts 16:33 that Acts 16:34 says he “rejoiced, believing in God with all his house.”
Therefore, the point is this: His faith was not proven to be genuine until it had expressed itself in completing his obedience unto Christ in submitting to the sacred act and command of being baptized. Saving faith and to believe, always includes his being baptized. Yes, faith to save must be active. Galatians 5:6 and Romans 16:26. Faith saves when faith obeys. Hebrews 11:7-8 and Hebrews 11:29-30.
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See Also: Saved-Becoming a Christian | No Substitute for God
In Christian Love,
Bill Arnold, Minister
Ridgeway Church of Christ
Harrison Arkansas
YOU MUST DO THESE THINGS to Become a Christian
Becoming a Christian, Saved, Born Again, In Christ, or becoming a new creature all talk about salvation.
1) You must believe and confess that Jesus is the son of God. John 8:24 Jesus said you must believe that He is the Christ the Son of the living God. Matthew 10:32-33, Acts 8:36-37 further tells us to confess that Jesus is God’s son.
2) Luke 13:3 Jesus said you must repent of your sins.
3) Mark 16:16 Jesus said you must be baptized.
4) Live faithfully unto death. 1 John 1:2
As a new creature, a Christian, we will live faithfully unto death and then arise to live forever with God. This is the God who loves you, who wants you to be his child. You can become the child of a King!
Won’t you heed His word?