
Faithful – Blessing, There is a Habitation

We must remain Faithful. Deuteronomy 28:13-14 And the LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you shall only go up and not down, if you obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you today, being careful to do them, and if you do not turn aside from any of the words that I command you today, to the right hand or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.

“If you faithfully obey…”; those words found in the midst of this chapter show the desire of God for his people. The Lord wants to bless his people, to make them the head not the tail, and to lead them onward and upward. He wants to bless them in the city and in the field, and His promises are abundant to those who faithfully obey him.

Not Faithful – Cursed

But God curses those of his people in Israel who will not faithfully obey him. While 14 verses tell of his great blessing, 54 verses tell of the curses God will give to those who stray from careful obedience. It is heartbreaking to think that the people at one time or another in the history of Israel endured each of the curses because of their disobedience.

It should not surprise us that God means what he says about faithfulness. He is consistent whether we are or not. He keeps his promises whether we remain faithful or not. God will do what is right towards us all and recompense or reward us according to our deeds (2 Corinthians 5:10). Israel was not an exception, nor shall we be in Christ.

We Choose Either Blessings or Curse

Each day we choose blessing or cursing from the hand of God. Thankfully, as Christians we have the blood of Jesus to cleanse us from sin (1 John 1:7-2:2), but Christians who sow to the flesh still reap corruption (Galatians 6:7-8). Are you faithful?

In Search of the Lord’s Way Daily Devotionals

See Also: Saved-Becoming a Christian | No Substitute for God

In Christian Love,
Bill Arnold, Minister
Ridgeway Church of Christ
Harrison Arkansas

YOU MUST DO THESE THINGS to Become a Christian

Becoming a Christian, Saved, Born Again, In Christ, or becoming a new creature all talk about salvation.

1) You must believe and confess that Jesus is the son of God. John 8:24 Jesus said you must believe that He is the Christ the Son of the living God. Matthew 10:32-33Acts 8:36-37 further tells us to confess that Jesus is God’s son.

2) Luke 13:3 Jesus said you must repent of your sins.

3) Mark 16:16 Jesus said you must be baptized.

4) Live faithfully unto death1 John 1:2

As a new creature, a Christian, we will live faithfully unto death and then arise to live forever with God. This is the God who loves you, who wants you to be his child. You can become the child of a King!

Won’t you heed His word?

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